Fat Cat Pizza with Wild Toads!

Fat Cat Pizza 1448 Ety Pointe Dr NW, Lancaster, Ohio, United States

We are really excited play Fat Cat again…great pizza place with a perfect set up for live music!


Thiago’s Italian Kitchen and Bar

Thiago’s Italian Kitchen and Bar 609 Mill St,, New Lexington

Hump Day dinner and cocktails with the Wild Toads!


Mill Dam Corner Grille

Mill Dam Corner Grille 3982 National Rd SE, Hebron, Ohio, United States

The Mill Dam is an awesome local spot for good food and drinks. The Wild Toads will perform inside…nice and warm. Get a buzz, a burger, and some tunes with us!


Old Bill Bailey’s and Wild Toads!

Old Bill Bailey’s 200 Harrison Ave, Lancaster, Ohio, United States

This is such a cool place in Lancaster. Great venue to watch music and party with friends! Good food too. The Wild Toads love playing Old Bill Bailey’s!


North Street Pub with Wild Toads!

North Street Pub 113 North St, Morenci, Michigan, United States

This is a classic old school bar in Morenci. Great food and fun!


Fat Cat Pizza with Wild Toads!

Fat Cat Pizza 1448 Ety Pointe Dr NW, Lancaster, Ohio, United States

Kick off the weekend celebrations with Tunes, Beer, and Pizza…


Vinberige Vinyards

Vinberige Vineyards 5400 Ohio Highway 204, Thornville

Enjoy live music with Wild Toads!


Stoney Ridge Winery

Stoney Ridge Winery 7144 Williams Co Rd 16, Bryan, Ohio, United States

Beautiful estate with home grown wine and cool tunes!


The Island House – Sunday Funday!

The Island House 2977 Greenlawn Ave NE, Millersport

Come hang on the patio with the Wild Toads…afternoon tunes and chill time.


AMVETS Post 51 in Thornport!

AMVETS POST 51 9293 Thorn Twp Rd 79, Thornville, Ohio, United States

The Wild Toads duo will be playing on the patio for Sunday Funday at AMVETS from 2 PM to 6 PM. All are welcome, you just have to sign in as a guest of the band.
